Shock Absorber Type 644 WESA rear

Shock Absorber Type 644 WESA rear

$1,149.00 USD Sale Save

incl. Black Spring. To get a linkage to the Dynamic ESA-System you have to send in your original shock absorber. The additional cost is $129.

When rebuilding the ESA to WESA the functionality of the ESA adjustments remains completely intact. ESA Suspension - Standard length - Orig. preload adjustment is used.

2018 - 2024 Honda GL 1800 Goldwing | SC79


Edition Blackline
Lift/Lowering Std

Please answer the questions below to ensure your suspension will be set up correctly for your carried weights.

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What stiffness setting do you do prefer? *
What style of riding do you do most often? *
Would you like us to return all unused OEM parts? *
*Any lowering or custom build requests can go here. Let us know if you have customized the swingarm, frame, mounting positions, etc. here.
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